How much is shipping?

Tracked standard shipping for Australia is $10.
Tracked express shipping for Australia is $15.

Tracked standard shipping for New Zealand is $15

FREE standard shipping for orders over $150.

How long will my order take to arrive?

Items in stock will be dispatched within 3 working days. Should any potential problems or delays occur, we will contact you as soon as possible. If you do not receive tracking advice and would like to track your parcel, please email info@sensorymind.com.au

Do you accept returns?

Yes, if the item is unused and in original packaging. Please email info@sensoryind.com.au within 30 days of your order.


++Please note CHEWIGEM necklaces are NOT suitable for children under 36 months, due to long cord, strangulation risk++

Can you help find the right Chewigem for us?

Yes you can view our catalogue here . If you have more questions then feel free to email info@chewigem.com.au

How long will the necklace last?

This is almost impossible to answer. We wish we could be clearer. We would hope, if your child is mild- moderate in their chewing you will get anything from 4-12 weeks from it. But we have seen some people destroy them in a few days and others last 8 or 9 months. It will depend on the pendant you choose, and how that works with your childs particular chewing style. Whether they chew all day? A few hours a day? Only at anxious events? So all of those factors effect how long they last. As a 30+ something adult, I with a full set of teeth, I cannot break them, but kids with a chewing need often have extremely powerful jaws.

The jewellery is hard wearing, but will tear, break and dent in time.They are all made of exactly the same silicone, but each design seems to vary in its likelihood to become damaged. It will depend on the aggression and style of the chewer. Our customers tell us that their children all have a favourite and one which works out to be more robust for that child, but there appears to be no rhyme nor reason to this. For example one child may destroy a disc in a few days, but the dog tags will last months, while another child may find the opposite.

Once damaged, the necklace should be discarded and replaced. The breakaway clasp and cord are NOT for chewing and are purely to hold the necklace in place. We strongly recommend not to pull on the cord HARD whilst the pendant is being chewed as this puts force on the stringing hole which is the weakest point of the necklace and could cause it to break.


Is it wrong to “encourage” children to chew?

CHEWIGEM ™ will no doubt split opinion, just like babies’ dummies. Some parents will be happy with this concept, safe in the knowledge their child is chewing something that cannot harm them whereas others will disagree strongly. We are not here to say which is right or wrong, that is for you to decide.  The feedback we have had confirms there is a definite need for this product.

Is it safe?

Yes. The silicone we use meets the same standards as any product which is suitable for chewing, as it is non toxic.  But due to the fact this market will cause damage to these items, it is to be remembered that this product should be used with supervision.

Where are they made?

All our pieces are designed by us in bonny Scotland. When we started out, we were proud to have them manufactured in the UK. However a few years ago we made the difficult decision to move operations to China. Whilst we would love to have supported a UK factory, we found we could have our products made ethically for less, which ultimately meant we could pass onto you the customers those savings. But MOST importantly safety testing showed they met the same standards, so we were loosing nothing by making this move. One thing that was extremely important to us was ensuring our chosen factory met our strong ethics surrounding human rights and quality standards. We have a firm qualitiy control agreement in place with the factory and it does not only meet our standards, but often exceeds them.

Our Commitment to Safety

We know when it comes to our children, safety is so very important. As such we have secured the CE mark against the required Toy standards for the bangles. This is probably a bit extreme, as they are not toys but this seemed the most robust test. We have also carried out toxicity and bite tests on all our products.

We only use silicone which is a food safe, medical grade silicone and is free from all the harmful chemical properties that meet this standard.